Your Premier Destination for Noble Titles

How To Avoid Being Ripped Off!

THE TRUTH: Obtaining a Genuine Researched Title needs to be expertly handled, by professionals; expert Genealogists and experienced Manorial Researchers, with a guaranteed, proven track record.

You will only get what you pay for.

If it's cheap ... there is a reason why!

A person who is working anonymously and/or part-time, is not the right choice. Using them more a silly gamble really.

If you can't ring and talk to them during office hours, the chances are high that they're running their enterprise as "part-time nice little earner" on the side.

The chances are high too, that they don't have a clue what they are doing and are making huge mistakes in their approach and claims, both of which will only damage you, not them.  

A seller who only answers calls after he finishes his "day job", will not serve you well.


FIVE WAYS To Spot A Possible FAKE TITLE Provider


1. Claims to have "been in this business for years"

Only one website has been in this business for 28+ years ... ours - NOBLE TITLES -


2. Cheap prices that sound "too good to be true"

That's because they aren't true!

It all sounds great ... until you have sent the money.

The truth is, that you get what you pay for.

Genuine Researched Titles, depending on the country, cost from around £1,600-£40,000 for the very highest level Titles.

So if someone tells you they can make you a "Genuine Lord of the Manor" for only £150, or less, you can be sure they're trying to sell you a fake title.

Proper research on Titles is a highly specialised skill, and should only be carried out by companies with experience in this field of expertise.

We have received hundreds of emails over the years, from people who have been "hooked in" by "bargain basement" prices, only to find out later that several hundred-other people have also bought the very same title!

If it sounds a bit "amateur" and "dodgy", then it most probably is!


3. Noble Titles "imitators"

Some sites will use similar sounding domain names to ours, trying to confuse visitors to their website into thinking that they are dealing with us.

Always check!

 4. Using claims of being a "Society" or a "legitimate organisation"

There is a company, claiming to be "The Manorial Society of Great Britain" and claiming to have been "founded 1906".

But when you check at Companies House, you will find that it was formed, NOT in 1906 ...

... but in  1996 !!

This is due to the fact that the original company, Manorial Research Ltd, went bust, owing over a £1,000,000.

The real Manorial Society was a Parliamentary Pressure Group , and had nothing whatsoever to do with selling titles.

The same person running "The Manorial Society of Great Britain", runs an Auction House that sells Titles ... at sometimes THREE TIMES or more their actual worth!

The auctioneer will also often "run up the bidding" in order to increase the company's commission, resulting in the purchaser being ripped off.

This practice is illegal in most countries throughout the world, but sadly, here in England, there is NO LAW against "running up the price" at auction i.e. pretending that someone else is bidding, in order to inflate the final sale price.


Robert Smith and his FAKE "Manorial Society of Great Britain" have been proven in court many times to have sold FAKE TITLES!

Robert Smith, personally, has been prosecuted for this numerous times!


In one particular case, his Honour Judge Cook had the following to say:

"In the circumstances, it is hardly surprising that Stephen McPartlin, the aggrieved Lord of the non-existent manor of Flushing, is suing Robert Smith".

Judgement was granted to Stephen McPartlin on 9th August 2001, and he was awarded £4,500 damages against Robert Smith.

[Public Records, can be published.]


The following quotes were also drawn from Court records which are "in the Public Domain."

People should know what a U.K Judge said about Robert Smith.


His honour Judge Cooke said about Robert Smith:

"Robert Smith & his organisation (Manorial Society) are seriously deficient when it comes to what could be called the legal or professional side. Although he undertakes the duties of an auctioneer, he is, I think, less than precise as to those duties, both as to how to conduct business, and how to deal with the other people's money."


His Honour Judge Cooke also said about Robert Smith:

"(1) His methods of doing business are ill-organised and inefficient

(ii) that he is a careless researcher, near to the point of recklessness

(iii) that he has no proper "feel" for his duties as a handler of other people's money

(iv) I have to say this, that many statements made by him in documents were NOT TRUE or not to be relied on."


His Honour Judge Cooke also said about Robert Smith:

"The research was said by Mr Smith to be that of "unnamed assistants", some of them from American universities. I am not very satisfied about this. I think it is largely his work, and anyway he put his oath to it and his duty was to check what he swore to."


5. Don't believe everything you read on the internet!

Competition on the internet to get you to buy your Title from their website is fierce, and many companies resort to "dirty tricks" by hosting websites that attempt to discredit legitimate competitors, in an attempt to smear their good name, such that you buy from them instead.

Some websites pretend to offer information or purport to be "Whistle Blowers" on "scam merchants", purportedly for "the benefit of the public good".

In reality, they too are "confidence tricksters", trying to get you to believe that they are honest and have hosted their website merely out of "the goodness of their heart" to provide information without any monetary reward whatsoever.

The truth is, that the whole purpose of such websites is to "funnel" the reader into contacting THEM, where they will "recommend" a company who will sell the searcher a Title.


Our Service Is VERY Different - Here's SIX REASONS HOW!


1. We have been providing PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL genuine researched titles to our customers for over 21 years.

Out titles are meticulously researched, having gone through 12 CHECKS to verify that they are GENUINE, available and not being used by anyone else.


2. Our company employs experts with over 29 years combined experience in this field of expertise.


3. We are available to speak to you over the phone to answer any questions personally without the necessity of trailing through websites to find the answers, feel free to phone us 9am-12-Midnight 7 days a week, we are here to provide you with a professional service unmatched by any other firm available at convenient times.


4. We don't charge £15 for a "List of Titles For Sale".


5. We put our list on the Internet for anyone to see ... free of charge!


6. We don't add on any "Administrative Fees" or "Legal fees".



That's the difference!  


London office : + 44 (0) 203 868 1060

WhatsApp : + 44 74 1839 7741

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If so, call us anytime: